
Unit 7 Summer holiday plan(第一课时)

一、教学内容: Story time 二、 教学目标:

1. 学生能正确理解、朗读并表演Story time.

2. 学生能初步了解询问计划的句型Where/When/How long /What will you …? Will you…?以及词汇go back to, stay, Taipei, Disneyland和Ocean Park. 3. 学生能谈谈自己的暑假出游计划。

4. 通过课文的学习,引导学生开阔眼界,热爱家园。 三、教学重难点:

一般将来时句型Where/When/How long /What will you …? Will you…?的运用。 四、教学步骤: Step 1 Pre-reading 1 Greetings

What’s the weather like today? Do you like ... Days? What season is it now? Which season do you like best? Why?

2 I like summer best because there’s a long holiday in summer.It’s summer holiday.(板书) I can go traveling. Now, you’re in Grade 6, and two months later you’ll finish primary school and have the summer holiday, how do you feel now? Do you have any plans?(板书)

The students say their plans, and the teacher uses “Where will you go? How will you go? How long will you stay there? ...”to ask.

This summer holiday I have a good plan too. Do you have any questions? Show the words: where, who, how, how long, what, and will Step 2 While-reading

1 Just now we talked about our summer holiday plans, now there are four children, they’re talking about their plans too. What do you want to know?(学生说老师板书)

2 First Let’s find where they will go, watch the video and match. Use the sentence “xxx will go to ...” to answer.

3 The other answers you can read by yourselves and find the details to fill in


the form, then ask and answer. Ynag Ling go to Beijing, by visit

4 Read after the tape, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation and the stress.

Step 3 Post-reading

1 Read the whole dialogue freely in groups, and choose the way you like. 2 Act the dialogue.

3 Talk about the students plans. Look at the blackboard and retell. 4 Help Mike finish the notes. “Our summer holiday” 5 Make your summer holiday plans.

This summer holiday I'll go to ... with ...I'll go there by...I'll ... I'll ...I think I'll have a good time. Step4 Homework

1. Read the text after the tape. 2.Say something about the students' plans. 3. Say something about your summer holiday plan.


Unit7 Summer holiday plans

Mike London where Yang Ling will Beijing Liu Tao Taipei Su Hai Hong Kong




what how long how

Mike go to London by for a Su Hai go to Hong Kong with her visit and Liu Tao go to with his some . 2





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