
Chapter Five Meaning(semantics) What is Semantics?

? Semantics is the study of meaning.

? More specifically, it is the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences. I didn’t mean to hurt you.

He never says what he means. Fame and fortune mean nothing.

What’s the meaning of the word “cut”? Life without faith has no meaning. the meaning of girl

+ human + female + young + unmarried semantic features

Boys and girls! My little girl is very lovely. 1. Meanings of meaning

Ogden & Richards The Meaning of Meaning Leech Semantics

7 types of meaning Leech

conceptual meaning概念意义associative meaning联想意义thematic meaning主位意义

Conceptual meaning概念意义also denotative [di'n?ut?tiv] (外延), concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it refers to.概念意义是对客观对象本质特征的反映,一般在词典中固定下来

An instrument made of plastic or metal used for writing with ink pen

father 1、male parent 父亲2、ancestors 祖先 3、founder or first leader 创始者倡导者 Stepmother: A woman who has married their father after the death or divorce of their mother. (wife of one's father by a later marriage ) Associative meaning 联想

The total of all the meanings a person thinks of when he comes across the word.

Connotative meaning 内涵意义Social meaning 社会意义Affective meaning 感情意义Reflected meaning 反射意义Collocative meaning 搭配意义 Connotative meaning ['k?n?uteitiv] 内涵意义

What is communicated by virtue of what language refers to. It shows the communicative value. 通过语言所传达的意义


denotation:不干净的水connotation:某些人有意的抹黑三峡,片面的强调三峡的弊端 It shows additional meaning, including emotive, social and psychological properties. eg: father: strong will, strength. stepmother: vicious, evil

However, it is unstable. It varies from person to person, from culture to culture. Social meaning社会意义

The social circumstances of language use, chiefly including stylistic meaning. It is the formality of the expression.


mother—mom—mama tooth—dental Are you nuts? 油煎豆腐 VS 金镶玉板 Affective meaning情感意义


Also emotive meaning, concerned with the feelings and attitudes of the speaker/writer. 所传达的关于说话人的态度,情感方面的意义。

politician—statesman senior—old person—fossil slender—thin—skinny Jane is an angel of a girl The man is an ass.

I’m terribly sorry to interrupt, but I wonder if you would be so kind as to lower your voice a little. Shut up!

Reflected meaning反射意义

one sense of a word forms part of our response to another sense. (one expression, two or more meanings)

通过同一种表达方式的其他意思所传递的意义。(言语的多义性,意义的模糊性) red light green/yellow light in traffic

warns of danger, danger signal 危险信号 legal area for whoring 红灯区,花街柳巷



Collocative meaning 搭配意义

the association a word gets because of the meanings of words, which tend to occur in its environment. 通过词语的常用搭配意义而传递的含义 pretty + girl/lady handsome + boy/man fast

fast reading: quickly movingfast friendship: firmly fixedfast road: capable of high speed a period of fasting: abstaining food 指责,控告指责,控告

Thematic meaning 主位意义

What is communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms of order and emphasis.

通过顺序和重音这种组织信息的方式所传达的意义。 The first prize was won by John.

John won the first prize.Tomorrow I plan to go out.I plan to go out tomorrow. Questions related

? 1. c meaning is concerned with the relationship between a word and the

thing it refers to.

A. Connotative B. Affective C. Denotative D. Social

? 2. We use the word mother in formal English and mom in colloquial English, this

refers to the b meaning of language.

A. connotative B. social

C. affective D reflected


? The word “fast” can be associated with other words and these associations have

different meanings. This is called the d

? A. connotative B. associative C. affective D. collocative

? Conceptual meaning—denotative— reference所指(word-thing) ? Connotation—property of the thing Different associations of Color words ? Red warns of danger

? Green, the color of nature, also represents envy. If you are green with envy, you badly

want something that someone has.

? Purple is associated with kings and queens, because in the past, these were the only

people who were allowed to wear purple.

? Blue is connected with sadness. If somebody looks blue, he is in a very low spirit. ? Gray is connected with being dull and boring. A gray day is an unpleasant day. ? Black is associated with death and evil.

White is associated with purity and moral goodness. ? Yellow represents coward. 2. The Referential Theory 指称论

A: “What is a desk?”B: “This is a desk.”

The referential theory (指称理论) is the theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to.

So it is also called the naming theory (命名论).

B: “It is a piece of furniture with a flat top and four legs, on which one reads and writes” the semantic triangle语义三角论

Leech’s study Concept Sense Thing reference

Sense (涵义) is the abstract properties of an entity, all the semantic features of a linguistic form. Reference (指称) is what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world. has with the concrete object.

Sense & referenceAll linguistic forms have sense, but not every word has a reference. Grammatical words: but Imaginary things: dragon, God… Abstract words: love, friendship

The linguistic forms with the same sense may have different references in different situations. Some linguistic forms with the same reference might differ in sense. 鱼,肥肉,a lion in the way



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