

Good writing must be

proper in style

complete in content correct in grammar

changeable in expression logical in arrangement Example:

A proverb says \than money. Wasted time can never be gained again. When money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is gone, it won't return. This is the reason why we must value time.

Introduction: to present ideas clearly

It goes without saying that the time we can use is limited. Therefore, even an hour is extremely precious. We should make full use of our time to do useful things. As students we must make our efforts to engage in our studies so as to serve our country in the future.

Supporting Details: to give necessary, persuasive reasons

In a word, we should form the good habit of saving time. Do not put off what can be done today until tomorrow. Conclusion: to sum up

Variety in sentences (句式多样性)

A proverb says \than money.

Wasted time can never be gained again. When money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is gone, it won't return. This is the reason why we must value time.

It goes without saying that the time we can use is limited. Therefore, even an hour is extremely precious. We should make full use of our time to do useful things. As students we must make our efforts to engage in our studies so as to serve our country in the future.

In a word, we should form the good habit of saving time. Do not put off what can be done today until tomorrow. Coherence (连贯性)

A proverb says \than money.

Wasted time can never be gained again. When money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is gone, it won't return. This is the reason why we must value time.

It goes without saying that the time we can use is limited. Therefore, even an hour is extremely precious. We should make full use of our time to do useful things. As students we must make our efforts to engage in our studies so as to serve our country

in the future.

In a word, we should form the good habit of saving time. Do not put off what can be done today until tomorrow.


1.表示意义增补: and, also, besides, furthermore 2.表示意义转折: but, yet, however, instead (of)…

3.表示列举和顺序: firstly, secondly, finally, next for example, such as… 4.表示解释说明: in other words, such as, namely… 5.表示结果: so, therefore, as a result, thus… 6.表示总结: in general, in all, in a word… 7.表示评价: to one’s surprise, even worse, luckily


现在喜欢上网的中学生越来越多。网络已进入中学生的学习和生活。请根据下表所提供的内容,阐述你对中学生上网的看法。 上网的好处 上网的弊端 1.利用网络获取各种信息 2.利用网络进行学习和娱乐 3.更方便与朋友联系 1.部分学生花费太多时间上网 对其学习和健 康造成不良影响 2.网上某些内容对学生不宜

注意:1. 短文必须包括所有图表的内容。 2. 字数:100左右

3. 参考词汇:娱乐 entertain v. Introduction

1.中学生上网现状介绍 2. 中学生上网有利也有弊 Supporting Details

3.有利之处: 利用网络学习和娱乐; 利用网络获取各种信息; 更方便与朋友联系

4.不利之处: 浪费太多时间上网对学习和健康造成不良影响; 网上某些内容对学生不宜 Conclusion

5.你的看法:_______________________________________________________ (控制上网时间,选择上网内容)


.1. We can get all kinds of information through the Internet.

2. The Internet acts as an information source, and we can be kept informed of what is happening in the world.

3.There`s no doubt that we are very likely to obtain a variety of knowledge through surfing the Internet.

key words:

1. increase / get on the Internet

2. advantages / disadvantages get all kinds of information study / entertain 3. advantages more convenient keep in touch with waste too much time 4.disadvantages have a bad effect on not suitable for / do harm to 5. choose proper programs / control the time

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