
Unit2 How often do you exercise?

Period4 Section B (2a-2e)

班级: 组名: 姓名:



2. 理解本课文章,掌握获取相关信息的能力。 【学习重点】

阅读短文,养成良好的阅读习惯,提升阅读能力。 【学习难点】

阅读方法与技巧的养成。 【学习过程】 一、目标呈现 1、译一译

询问…关于…______________ 一周四到六次____________ 一点也不___________ 上网_________________ 百分之十__________ 至少___________

做…有益______________ 做…最好的方法___________ 积习难改____________ 2、 谈论日常活动的频率,从高到低排序(2a)。 3、导入话题,解读目标 二、自主合作


1、个人自读,完成图表所缺信息。组内检查答案。 2、再读2b,完成2c。小组展示答案。




1. 上周我们就学生的业余活动做了一个调查。 2. 下面就是结果。

3. 我们吃惊的是百分之九十的学生每天使用互联网。 4. 大部分学生使用网络是为了娱乐而不是为了作业。

5. 尽管许多学生喜欢观看运动节目,但是游戏类节目却是最受欢迎的。 6. 所以赶快开始锻炼,不要等到来不及。 7. 有益身心健康。


1. 数词+percent+of +名词 百分之……的……

Fifty percent of the students are reading books.翻译_________________________ 2. such这样的、那样的

1)常用来修饰名词,结构such + a/an +adj(形容词)+名词单数;such+adj+不可数名词/名词复数

例如:如此漂亮的一个女孩:such a beautiful girl 如此好的一本书: _____________________

如此凉的水: ____________________

如此晴朗的天气:_____________________________ 2)such as 例如 相当于 like,用于举例,接动词ing形式。 I like exercise such as playing basketball. 3. although =though

although与 but两个词不能同时出现一个句子中。 例如:_______ he is very young, he knows a lot.

He is very young, ________ he knows a lot.

4. It is +adj.+ (for sb.) to do sth . 对某人来说做某事怎么样。 It is good _______ (relax) by using the Internet. 5. 讨论not……at all的意思及用法,并翻译下列句子 我一点也不喜欢垃圾食品。 汤姆根本不想去日本工作。 四、巩固构建 (一)单项选择

( )1._______ he has a lot of money, _______ he isn’t happy. A. Although but B. Although / C./ / D. but although ( )2.______ is interesting to play with my son. A. This B. It C. He D. She ( )3. Jim, here ______ some letters for you. A. is B. are C. have D. has

( )4. Some students do homework three _____ four times a week. A. or B. and C. then D. so

( )5. Tom watches TV ______ three hours every day. A. at B. for C. with D. to ( )6. I don’t know this answer ______ this question. A. to B. of C. for D. at ( )7. It’s good to relax ____ music.

A. with listening B. with listening to C. by listening D. by listening to ( )8. Tom is ________. So everyone likes him.

A. such a good boy B. such good boy C. so a good boy B. a so good boy 二、用所给词适当形式填空。

1. I want you______ (play)soccer with us. 2. My father is pretty ___________ (health).

3. It’s important ___________ (study) English well. 4. She goes shopping _________ (two) a week. 6. You can learn new words by _______ (read) them.

7. One percent of the boys _______ (like) staying at home. 8. Exercise such as _______ (play) tennis is relaxing. 三、按要求完成下列各句

1. I eat vegetables twice a week. (划线提问) ________ __________ ________ you eat vegetables?

2. He always get up early. (否定句句) He_______ _______ up early.

3. She is old, but she is healthy. (同义句) ________ she is old, she is healthy.

4. To study English well is important. (同义句) _____ is important _______ ______ English well.

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