牛津译林版必修三Unit1综合复习学案设计 部分答案

牛津译林版必修三Unit1综合复习学案设计 部分答案

第(3)课时 高一年级 英语学科 M3U2 Task 学校 班级 姓名 .


【课前练习】 完成下面 单词 短语 句型 语法的“原文重现部分”

1、【重点单词】 重点单词原文重现

1. As Polly ____________(观察) the passengers on the train, she had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat. (P2)

2. The tall man was ____________(到处都不) to be seen. (P2)

3. Polly ____________(犹豫). At last she answered, ‘Hello, I think I’m lost.’ (P2)

4. As she walked along the ____________(狭窄的) street, she heard the sound of footsteps ____________(靠近). (P2)

5. A few seconds later, a hand reached out and ____________(抓住) her arm. (P3)

6. The possibility that pleasant smells might ____________(减少) pain has recently been suggested by new research. (P9)

7. Scientists used to believe that mothers ____________(辨认出) their children by sight only. (P9) 8. It is added that while our sense of sight is used too much, our senses of touch and smell have been ____________(忽视). (P11)

9. You are 30 times more ____________(可能的) to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark. (P18)

10. During both World War I and II, pigeons were ____________(使用) by armies to carry messages to and from the front lines, .... (P19)

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牛津译林版必修三Unit1综合复习学案设计 部分答案

重点单词主要用法 observe approach vt. ①观察 ②注意到 ③评论 ④遵守(规则、法律等) ⑤庆祝,欢度 v. ①靠近 ②着手处理 n. ①靠近 ②方法 ③路径 vt. ①认识,辨认出 ②意识到 ③(正式)承认,认可 ④(公开)表彰;(正式)recognize 向...致谢 recognition n. 认可;识别 vt. ①使用 ②雇用 ③be employed in doing sth (忙于做某事) employ employee n. 雇员 / employer n. 雇主 grasp reduce suit narrow ignore attach vt. ①抓紧,抓牢 ②理解,领会 ①adj. 狭窄的 ②adj. 狭隘的 ③adj. 勉强的 ④v. 使变窄,缩小 v. ①减少 ②be reduced to (doing) sth (沦为...) ①n. 套装 ②v. 适合,满足需要 ①n. 志愿者 ②v. 义务做 (volunteer to do sth) volunteer voluntary adj. 志愿的,义务的 vi. 犹豫 (hesitate to do sth // hesitate about/over sth) hesitate hesitation n. / hesitant adj. contrary likely ① adj. 相反的 ②n. 相反的事实或情况 adj. 可能的 / be likely to do sth 可能做某事 / It is likely that ... 可能... 2 / 17

牛津译林版必修三Unit1综合复习学案设计 部分答案

adj. 抱有希望的 hopeful Hopefully, .... = It is likely that .... 有望(可能)...。 n. 轻松,宽慰 relief relieve vt. 使宽慰 (relieve sb of sth使某人减轻...)

2【重点短语】 一:重点短语原文重现

1. While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she ________________(匆匆看一眼) the faces around her. (P2)

2. There was no one ______________(在视野范围内). Polly ____________(出发) towards Park Street. (P2)

3. A few seconds later, a hand _________________(伸出) and grasped her arm. (P3)

4. ‘Come with me. You’ll be all right.’ He took Polly’s hand. ‘________________(留意) the step here.’ (P3)

5. Now we are _____________________(在十字路口). Turn left here. (P3)

6. ‘Thank you so much for ________________________________(来帮助我),’ said Polly _____________ (宽慰地). (P3)

7. It gives me the chance to _________________(报答) the help that people give me when it’s sunny. (P3)

8. Scientists observe that _____________________________(充分利用) our senses when we are young can keep us healthy later on in life. (P11)

9. While having dinner, listen to some enjoyable music ________________(而非) watch television. (P11)

10. _____________________(突然), I heard a loud noise _________________(突然响起) through the cold air. (P11)

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