2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 6 Design过关检测 北师大版必修2

2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 6 Design过关检测 北师大版必修2

第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共12小题;每小题2.5分,满分30分)



We eat for many different reasons but not always for the right reason.Most people choose food only based on taste,and that’s fine because food was meant for

enjoyment.However,if we make food decisions based on taste alone,without regard to nutrition or healthy eating habits,then gaining weight is a certain thing.Changing your eating habit demands considering the nutritional value as well as the amount of calorie and fat.

Healthy eating habit is formed by eating foods that are low in fat.Learn to read labels(标签)so you can make good decisions based on healthy eating habits.Every packaged food product has a label that will tell you the nutritional value,calorie and fat content.

As you gain experience reading labels,you won’t be fooled by clever and

deceptive(骗人的)marketing techniques used to get more of your money.Healthy eating habit es by education.

Foods that have the words “light” on the package can still have a high amount of fat and calories.“Fat-free” does not mean you can eat all you want just because it has no fat.Many fat-free foods are loaded with sugar and are high in calories.

Eating habit remains the same as we grow from childhood to adulthood.If you were raised on sugar and high fat foods,chances are good that you still eat the same today.Unfortunately,our metabolism(新陈代谢)tends to slow down as we grow and many adults get the “middle age spread” by their mid thirties.The amount of fat keeps building as we get older unless the cycle is broken by good eating. 1.We should choose food according to . A.the price

B.the taste and price C.the colour

D.the nutritional value and the amount of calorie and fat 提示:根据文章第一段最后一句话可得出答案。 答案:D

2.Healthy food is the food which is low in . A.fat B.nutrition C.water D.fiber

提示:从文章第二段第一句可知健康的食物应该是脂肪含量低的。 答案:A

3.We can’t buy food only according to the labels on the package because many of them are . A.true B.clever C.false D.honest

提示:根据第三段内容可知有时食品包装上的标签会骗人。 答案:C

4.Why is it difficult to change one’s eating habits?

A.Because eating habit remains the same as we grow from childhood to adulthood.

B.Because there’re always so many food things for us to eat. C.Because good food is easy for us to get addicted to. D.Because eating is always our first need.

提示:根据文章最后一段可知饮食习惯自小到成人保持相同。 答案:A


After the American Revolution won in 1787,the new government in the U.S.A.had to choose a capital city.The thirteen states quarreled about this.So the government decided to build a pletely new capital.The land on the River Potomac was given the name District of Columbia (D.C.).The new Capital was built on the north bank of the river.It was named after George Washington,the president of the U.S.A.

Washington D.C.,a government city,is an important cultural(文化) center as well as a big tourist(游览) center.

Most capital cities have simply grown from small cities.Washington,however,was planned as the capital of a great nation.It was designed by a French artist who first made a study of many capital cities of Europe.In general,his plan followed that of the beautiful French city—Versailles.

5.When the new capital was built,America was made up of states. A.thirty B.thirteen C.fifty D.fifteen

提示:细节题。根据第一段第二句“The thirteen states quarreled about this.” 可知答案为B项。 答案:B

6.Washington D.C.is the name of . A.an American president B.America’s capital C.a famous river

D.a beautiful garden city

提示:细节判断题。根据第一段“...was given the name District of Columbia(D.C.).The new Capital...It was named after George Washington.”及第二段“Washington D.C.,a government city...”可知答案为B项。 答案:B

7.According to the passage we can conclude that America’s capital . A.lies in the center of the country B.lies on the River Potomac C.was built by French workers D.came from a small city

提示:细节判断题。根据第一段“The land on the River Potomac was given the name District of Columbia (D.C.).The new Capital was built on the north bank of the river.” 可知此题答案为B项。 答案:B

8.According to the passage we can infer that Washington D.C.is the center of America’s .

A.politics,culture and traveling B.culture,traveling and sports C.economy(经济),sports and culture

D.politics,culture and economy

提示:因为 Washington D.C.是美国的首都,所以它应是美国的政治中心;再根据第二段中“...is an important cultural(文化) centre as well as a big tourist(游览) center.”可知它也是美国的文化和旅游中心。所以答案为A项。 答案:A


With the average home in the capital selling for 19,548 yuan a meter in

November,a tiny mobile home built by a 24-year-old office worker is creating a stir online.

Dai Haifei built the 6-square-meter pad(住所)because he could not afford to buy or rent in the capital.

Dai’s new home costs him 6,400 yuan and he has been living in it for nearly two months in courtyard at Chengfu Road,Haidian district.

Dai,who is one of the millions of migrants who moved to the capital from other parts of China seeking a better life and better job,said he realized his financial burden had bee too great.

The Hunan native said he simply could not make ends meet(收支相抵)when he became an intern at a Beijing-based construction design pany in 2009.

“I rented a room at the very beginning—a small room in an apartment that cost me about 900 yuan per month,” said Dai in an interview with local media.“It was too expensive for me.”Dai’s father works on a construction site in his hometown and his mother is a cleaner.

Dai,who ended up being a formal employee of the pany,figured out his own way to solve the problem—with inspiration from a housing design project at his pany’s exhibition early this year.

The project,named “An egg given birth to by the city”,included a series of egg-like movable houses,with a karaoke house,chair house and trader’s house in it.

Dai,who borrowed 6,400 yuan from an older cousin and who got additional help from several friends,decided to make one of his own.He spent nearly two months building his “egg house” in his hometown,a village in southeast Hunan that is around 1,700 kilometers from Beijing.

9.Where is this passage probably taken from? A.A story book. B.A cartoon film. C.A news report. D.A research report.

提示:推理判断题。利用文章的倒金塔结构以及排除法得出答案是一篇新闻报道。 答案:C

10.What is Dai Haifei?

A.An official of government. B.A journalist.

C.An office worker of a pany. D.A manager of a pany.

提示:细节理解题。根据文章第一段中“a 24-year-old office worker”以及下文多次提到他所在的pany得出答案。 答案:C

11.Why did he build the pad?

A.Because he will sell it for money.

B.Because he has no house to get married in.

C.Because he doesn’t have enough money to buy or rent a house. D.Because he wants to get help from the society.

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