广告文体分析Stylistic Analysis of an Advertisement about iPad 2

Stylistic Analysis of anAdvertisement about iPad 2


This is a video ad. of iPad 2. It introduces the functions of the product in a very concise, attractive, convincing way. The following is the advertising slogan. Are you curious about the new ideas?

Do you want to learn a new language, or just a new word? Maybe you want to know more about anatomy,or astronomy. You can master something new or uncover a hidden talent. There hasnever been a better time to learn. Ⅱ.Stylistic analysis. 1. Phonological features.

By listening to or reading aloud this advertisement, we can find it?s rhyming and easy to remember.

a. Consonance: curious and ideas, been and learn

b. Rhyme: anatomy and astronomy master and uncover, never and better. 2. Lexical features.

a. Most of the words are general, simple and common words so that it?s easy to understand.

b. it uses a favorable adjective word “new” for three times to impress the potential buyers.

c. comparative words?better? to make it more attractive.

d. personal pronoun ?you? is used almost every line making the language more friendly in tone and more thoughtful. 3. syntactic/grammatical features

a. the first and second sentences are occasional questions to arouse curiosity of the consumers and to show the new functions of iPad 2.

b. most sentences are minor sentences and short simple sentences.

c. it uses active voice in the ad. To tell consumers it?s a right choice to buy it. 4. Semantic features.

a. hyperbole; thus never be a better time b.parallelism; three ?or? c. repetition: you, new Ⅲ.Conclude.

All in all, I think this ad. isbrief and focused. It shows us a multifunctional and utility iPad2.in an soimpressiveconvincingwaythat makes consumersthink it can help us learn more and live a better life and is worth buying.

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