
课 题 6A Unit4知识点梳理以及能力训练 1. 使学生能够基本掌握Unit4中的词汇并且能够进行一些词汇变形练习; 2.帮助学生梳理常考一些句型和语法,进行综合训练,提高综合能力。 教学内容 教学目的 Step1: Greetings & Free talk How are you today? Is there something interesting or important this week? What have you learned in your school? (询问学校课程进度) Step2: Lead in— 脑筋急转弯 冰变成水最快的方法是什么? 【答案】去掉冰的两点水 Step3: Words and expressions. 1. 询问某人的工作 1) What are you? 2) What is yourjob? 3) What do you do? 4) What job do you do? 回答:I am a/an… 2. teach v. 教 teach sb. sth.教某人某事 Miss Chen teaches us English this year. 陈老师今年教我们英语。 【联想】teacher n. 老师 Miss Chen is our English teacher. 陈老师是我们的英语老师。 3. make的使动用法 1) make sb. do sth. 使/让某人做某事 Mum made me play the piano for two hours. 妈妈让我弹两小时钢琴。 2) make sb. /sth. +adj. 使……变得… The police make our city safe. 警察使我们的城市变得安全。 3) make sb. /sth. +n. 使……变成…… The police make our city a safe place. 警察使我们的城市变成一个安全的地方。 4. ill和sick的区别 ill和sick都表示“生病或身体不舒服”,但ill不可放在名词前修饰入或物。 I feel ill/sick.我感觉不舒服。 We sent the sick man to the hospital.我们把病人送去了医院。(此句中只能用sick)

5. cook v. 烹饪,烧饭

cook sth. for sb. =cook sb. sth.为某人烹饪……

My father cooks delicious food for me every day.=My father cooks me delicious food every day. 爸爸每天给我做美味的食物。 【联想】 1) cook. 厨师 2) cooker. 厨具

The cook cooks the dishes with many cookers. 厨师用很多厨具做菜。

6. would like想

注意would like和want的区别:would like没有人称和时态的变化,而want有人称和时态的变化。 would like sth.=want sth. 想要某物

would like to do sth.=want to do sth. 想要做某事

He would like to be a doctor.=He wants to be a doctor.他想要成为一名医生。

He wouldn't like to be a doctor=He doesn't want to be a doctor.他不想成为一名医生。 --Would he like to be a doctor?=Does he want to be a doctor?他想成为一名医生吗?

--Yes, he would./No, he wouldn't.=Yes, he does./No, he doesn't. 是的,他想。/不,他不想。 7.interview 1)v. 采访

He will interview our headmaster. 他要采访我们的校长。 2)n. 采访

Our headmaster will have an interview today.我们校长今天有一个采访。

8. look for, find和find out的区别 1) look for意为“寻找”,强调过程。

The dog is looking for something to eat.那条狗正在找吃的。 2) find意为“找到”,强调结果。

Finally, he found his book under the bed. 最后他在床底下找到了他的书。 3) find out意为“找出”,通常指通过努力找出真相、结果、证据等。 The detective found out the truth very soon.侦探很快就找出了真相。

9. start to do sth./doing sth.开始做某事

10. finish doing sth.结束做某事 finish to do sth. 结束去做某事

11. 询问某人想要做什么工作 1) What job do you want to do? 2) What do you want to be?

3) What job would you like to do? 4) What would you like to be?

12. drive v. 驾驶,开车 drive to some place开车去某地

Mike drives to work every day.迈克每天开车上班。 【联想】driver n. 司机

The man who drives a bus is a bus driver. 开公交车的人是公交车司机。

13. businessman n. 商人 (businesswoman女商人)

Both of his parents are businessman and businesswoman。她父母都是商人。 【联想】1) business n. 商业

My father will go on a business next week.我爸爸下周要出差。 2) busy adj.忙碌的

Shanghai is a busy city. 上海是一座繁忙的城市。

14. secretar n. 秘书

Secretaries usually take notes and answer phones.秘书通常做记录、接电话。 【联想】secret n. 秘密

His secretary knows a lot of secrets of him. 他的秘书知道他的很多秘密。

Step 4: Grammar.

1.情态动词:would/would not

would为情态动词时常意为“愿;想……”与like、love、hate、prefer、be glad/happy等词连用,表达比较合意愿的做法。例如:

I’d hate you to think I was criticizing you.我可不愿让你觉得我是在批评你。 I' d be only too glad to help. 我非常愿意帮忙。

缩略式常写为“’d”,I’d=I would我想…… 否定式为would not,其缩略式为“wouldn’t”,例如: I wouldn’t like to go shopping today. 今天我不想去购物。

★would like something/would like to do something想要某物/想要做某事,例如: I would like a cup of tea=I would like to have a cup of tea. 我想要一杯茶。 I'd like to play basketball.我想要打篮球。

★would like somebody to do something想让某人做某事,例如: I’d like you to clean the window. 我想让你擦一下窗户。

2.Wh-question: Wh-问句:

(l)What would you like to be? 你想成为什么?

这是由what引导的特殊疑问句用来询问某人希望自己将来从事什么职业,例如: --What would you like to be? 你想成为什么? --I'd like to be a doctor.我想当一名医生。

--What would your sister like to be? 你姐姐想成为什么?

--She would like to be an English teacher.她想成为一名英语老师。

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